7 Best Practices for Web Application Testing

With more users accessing the website on their smartphones, tablets, and phablets, it has become imperative for businesses and more customers to optimize their web applications for mobile devices. Simultaneously, every business needs to thoroughly test the web application to ensure a good user experience across multiple browsers and various contexts. While testing modern web applications, QA professionals must address integration, collaboration, performance, usability, and security challenges. So QA professionals need to follow the simplest and best ways to test web applications more effectively.

7 Best Practices for Web Application Testing

  1. Pay attention to cross-browser compatibility testing
  2. Examine every important element of the web application
  3. Evaluate the performance of the application under different conditions
  4. Increase the load test
  5. Don’t forget to check HTTP traffic
  6. Test web services independently
  7. Select the correct parameters to test the usability

Pay attention to cross-browser compatibility testing

Today, most businesses choose responsive web design to provide their web applications with a better user experience on every device. The new approach requires programmers to make websites responsive using open web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Currently, older versions of some web browsers do not fully support HTML5. Therefore, testers need to check how the app performs on both older and recent versions of major web browsers. They can even use special automation tools to quickly and efficiently test applications in many browsers.

Examine every important element of the web application

When testing a web application, QA professionals often focus on their features, functionality, and performance. But a business should ask testers to review every important element of the website and its functionality and performance. For example, QA professionals need to review key web application elements, including cookies, CSS, JavaScript, HTML expiration, dead links, browser refresh, and resizing Windows. And security. This comprehensive test will provide a better user experience for the website in the long run.

Evaluate the performance of the application under different conditions

In addition to reviewing the stability of a website’s functionality, testers also need to make sure that it does not collide with heavy loads. Sometimes even minor flaws in the design or code can negatively affect a website’s performance. Therefore, testers have to evaluate the application’s performance under different equipment to see how it caters to many viewers. They can also use open-source load testing tools to evaluate application performance under different server loads effectively. Similarly, they will have to perform frequent load testing to ensure that the code changes do not affect its performance.

Increase the load test

In addition to reviewing website performance under different loads, it is also important for QA professionals to quickly scale load tests. They should replicate a relatively small number of distributor users early and gradually increase users’ number. As the number of users gradually increases, it becomes appropriate for software testers to identify the location where the application falls accurately. However, a QA professional should perform a load test on the cycles to assess their website’s performance accurately and analyze each cycle’s load testing results.

Don’t forget to check HTTP traffic

When testing a web application, businesses often forget the importance of analyzing web traffic. When testers thoroughly check HTTP traffic from browser to server, it becomes easier for them to review every request and response accurately. At the same time, HTTP Traffic Analytics helps them examine third-party tracking tags used by Google Analytics tags and web pages. Investigators can further use specialized tools to ensure that each tracking tag contains the correct values ​​and that third-party systems respond to user requests quickly and appropriately.

Test web services independently

Most web applications today use a variety of web services. But businesses need to ensure that the application’s web services are tested independently and as isolated components. Applicants must check the web services before connecting to the application. The option will enable faster testing of web services using better control over their functionality. Also, testers can send various requests directly to a web browser and evaluate its performance without using a web browser.

Select the correct parameters to test the usability

The business must focus on usability and user experience of the web applications to keep the visitors engaged and convert them into customers. However, it is also important for testers to evaluate applications’ usefulness based on the most appropriate parameters. Businesses need to define key flaws for usable performance clearly. Simultaneously, the business needs to select several key critics, such as user interface design, speed, performance, content readability, receipt, and navigation. Similarly, it should ask testers to determine the amount of time the user needs to perform a particular task.

A business can always automate its testing efforts to test the shape quickly, feel usability, and perform a web application in many web browsers. However, to test the ever-changing frontend of a web application more effectively, there is also a need to focus on developing, maintaining, and reusing automated tests.

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