HTML5 And Css

Learn HTML and CSS

It is one of the most advanced website development in HTML and CSS and can easily learn from the simple tutorials available on YouTube and Google. HTML and CSS here means HTML 5 and CSS 3, which is very important for a new developer.

There is no important point in learning the old version if you start learning web development from scratch. By understanding the latest version, you’re bound to get better performance and better apps.
It also helps when looking for a web development job because companies prefer candidates who know the latest and greatest technology.

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a markup language that holds the structure of a web page together. Think of HTML as the skeleton of a web page. There is no website or webpage on the Internet that does not use HTML. Without HTML, the web would not be possible.

What Isn’t HTML?

HTML is not a programming language. Please do not confuse the two concepts. The programming language is the logical and computational ability to direct a computer to do something. On the other hand, a markup language is static and is only used to organize data in a particular structure. HTML, in our case, is used to structure a web page.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Think of it like skin and clothing for an HTML web page. CSS is just a list of style features that apply to HTML elements. The way clothing is put on the human body. Similarly, CSS styling applies to HTML elements. CSS HTML adds color, layout, and style to a web page, making it look more elegant and professional.

Why learn HTML and CSS?

Unlike programming languages, HTML and CSS have no competition. If you want to create web pages, start a career in web design, web development, or even web journalism, a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is a must.

Fortunately, the basics of HTML and CSS coding are not so difficult. You can start learning HTML in a few hours. Basic CSS is not that difficult. However, CSS can be complicated when building advanced settings.

“Learn HTML and CSS correctly” will help you learn the basics and modern HTML and CSS concepts so that you can have a simple and modern website.

What can you create with HTML and CSS?

Any website layout! Yes, almost all websites use HTML and CSS, and once you execute it, you can create beautiful websites as beautiful as Ernieb, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon (you name it )۔

One thing to remember! HTML and CSS will only help you create a website layout and static website. A web page’s intelligent aspect, such as login capabilities, database storage, and advanced interactivity, is built from a JavaScript programming language. Once you can write HTML and CSS and create some projects, your next step is to learn JavaScript.

HTML and HTML5 The difference between CSS and css3

CSS vs. CSS3 are popular choices in both markets. Let’s discuss some of the differences between CSS and CSS3:

  1. The main difference between CSS and CSS3 is CSS3 has modules. CSS does not support responsive design, and it is the basic version. On the other hand, CSS3 is the latest version and supports responsive design.
  2. CSS cannot be divided into modules, but CSS3 can be divided into modules. The older version of CSS is slower than CSS3.
  3. Besides, CSS3 has many alignment features. CSS3 provides a box-sizing tool that allows the user to get the exact size of any element without making any changes to the element’s dimensions or padding. CSS does not have a box size tool, and therefore requires the user to use the standard method described for aligning text.
  4. Animations and 3D transitions are better in CSS3. Elements can be moved to the screen using Flash and JavaScript. The elements can change their color and size. All kinds of transitions and animations can be done using CSS3. CSS does not provide 3D animation and changes.
  5. CSS provides basic color schema and standard color. CSS3 supports RGBA, HSLA, HSL and gradient colors. It also supports round image corners for textbooks.
  6. CSS3 coding can be defined as Multi-column text blocks. CSS only supports single text blocks.
Advantages of HTML5
  1. HTML5 coding helps to eliminate most tags and replace them with alternative elements. Designers can now use cleaner and cleaner code.
  2. Get more detailed information about the structure of a page using HTML5.
  3. HTML5 makes it easy to create front-end applications such as drag and drop tools, wikis, discussion boards, and other useful elements With its new features and standards.
  4. Share where you are in the whole world with geography. You can do this by calculating latitude and longitude from your IP address, wireless network connection, the phone you’re talking to from the cell tower, or information sent via satellite via GPS hardware. With the new HTML5 geolocation, APIs provide location directly to any HTML5-compatible browser-based application.
  5. HTML5 provides a better solution for defining files that the browser should cache. Even when offline, pages can be loaded correctly.
  6. In place of cookie size reduction, HTML5 allows you to use session storage and local storage. Store structured data temporarily, not permanently.
  7. Standard code of HTML5 elements adds value to a web page. With specific tags for headers, navies, footers, etc., designers know the whole format’s meaning and purpose.
  8. The major advantages of HTML 5 are beautiful shapes, enhanced user interface, reduced need for JavaScript, and validated HTML.
  9. Find more consistency by adopting HTML5 to code a site’s web page than a site. You can easily understand what the web page structured and make it easy for designers is.
  10. HTML5 has many features, including the integration of video tag, audio tag, charts, high-quality drawings, animations, and SVG content. It’s easy to integrate multimedia and graphical content across the web without using Flash and third-party plugins. The semantic value of a document can be enhanced by new elements such as section tag, particle tag, header tag, nav tag, and more.

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