Software Development Cycle

A set of instructions and commands for the computer to read and understand to perform specific tasks is called Software. Software development is the process of using computer programming to develop Software. It is not new to many, but the topic under consideration will be new to many. SDLC, or Software Development Lifecycle, is the process of developing new Software.

The process of developing software is not difficult to understand. The procedure for SDLC is as follows:

  1. Submitting and then analyzing the software development requirements
  2. Designing software
  3. Coding or programming
  4. Software testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Maintaining the Software

Submitting and then analyzing the software development requirements

It is the initial stage. Just like starting a business, working on new Software requires planning. The planning phase will involve project managers, stakeholders, and even some senior software developers. No matter how many skills you have and how professional you are, or how long a software development company has been working, implementing a plan is not easy. Although it will take less time for experts to plan and then work on a new project, there will still be some questions that must always be answered before working on any project. The following are some questions that need to be answered before working on a project.

  • Who will use the Software?
  • How will they use it?
  • What is the required data for input?
  • What will be the output of manual enter input data?
  • What is the purpose?
  • What skills are needed? Will new personnel be hired, or do existing staff have the right skills and abilities to work on this new project?

Find out their answers. Is the project worth it? A thorough analysis is required here. More questions will need to be answered, and explanation before this new project can begin. All work is documented for future reference.

Software designing

Now comes the second step, software designing. Based on the documentation and the first step results, the system and Software are given a design. This allows developers to know the hardware and system requirements required to complete their new project. This phase will also explain the architecture of the system. The design phase will determine the requirements for the next phase.

Coding or programming

Here comes the role of software developers. System design documentation is now divided into modules, and developers now begin their work. This is going to be the hardworking and longest stage of it all. Programming is done here, and everyone knows that programming is not an easy task. It takes patience, a lot of time, and skills. Once done, the software developer sends its work to a tester.

Software testing

When in the production business, product quality is always monitored and tested. The same is true of software development. When the programming coding is done, the software developer sends his work to the software quality assurance department/personnel. They will ignore the work of software developers. Software Quality Assurance or SQA, in short, will detect bugs and test the Software. Testing will be done according to the guidelines mentioned in the requirements and documents. The SQA unit conducts testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, and if deviations or errors are found, it is sent back to the software developer. This procedure will continue to repeat itself until the software bugs are free and ready to be fixed.

Software deployment

Upon completing the Software and testing, it is shipped to the relevant client or made available to the public.

Maintaining the Software

Unscrupulous professionals or those who are not ready to continue their business will not be able to look back on their Software, but serious developers will help them. Every software needs updating and maintenance. Whenever the client faces any issue or a problem with the Software, the software company will fix it.

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