Windows Mobile Applications Development

Windows Mobile application development is much closer to traditional programming for desktops than any other smartphone environment. It is largely because the same programming tools as Visual Studio can be used to create programs for desktops and phones.

For starters, get the latest version of Visual Studio. It offers an easy way to create drag and drop applications with minimal coding requirements. Developers can create apps, package them for delivery, and debug them all using Visual Studio.

Another essential component is the Windows SDK. It contains resource files and necessary APIs. The developer will also get a lot of help and supporting documents in the SDK. It includes sample applications and emulators for testing and debugging without connecting to the original phone.

But to use the emulator, developers will also need Active Sync. It acts as a kind of interface that helps load the application package developed from Visual Studio into the emulator or device. Vista users will not need to download it as it has a built-in mobile device center.

The process of creating a basic windows mobile application as a learning experience is ridiculously easy, especially for someone who knows how to use Visual Studio. In the File menu, select the project and select ‘Smart Device’ in the Project category. Right-click on the Smart Device Project in the Templates pane, and select ‘Device Applications’ in the pop-up Smart Device Project window.

Any functionality required can be added to the design view by dragging and dropping the buttons and adding an event handler. Once this is done, press F5 to test on the selected emulator or device. That’s all. Developers who need additional help or assistance can find it online at Microsoft’s MSDN (Developer Network). There is a virtual lab, video demos and webcasts, code samples, and blogs where developers can talk and clear their doubts.

Of course, It is just a basic how to develop a Windows Mobile app. Useful apps that can purchase in the market are more complex and require many skills and experience to develop. A company that needs a powerful application has two choices.

First, find a staff member who specializes in diving into Microsoft’s phone OS. Note that Windows Mobile is the latest OS in the 6.5 series and has been replaced by the iPhone 7. So the developer has to be someone who can provide upgrades to future versions released by Microsoft and provide upgrades for both.

Another option is to outsource Windows Mobile App Development to a consultant or an expert third party developer. These companies specialize in creating custom applications that provide value to business users when using their smartphones. The application will be professional, functional, and easy to promote and/or sell.

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